우스터 한인 교회 홈페이지를 방문하신 여러분을 환영합니다 !!!!
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Worcester Korean Church
114 Main St
Worcester, MA 01608 USA
청년부 게시판


Hi everyone. How are things?? I am doing ok, but school work is so hard. I just had three exams, and I don't know if I did well..... and I have one exam tommorrow. Thats why right now I am studying in the library. I am so tired, I missed church two weeks in a row because of exams.... I feel so bad..... Hey, good news,  I found a fellowship to join. They are called ACF(Asian Christian Fellowship). People there are very nice and friendly, and they have friday service with singing and bible study. I am going to a cell group meeting soon. Right now we are discussing about the differences between the old and the new covenant. I got my plane ticket for the thanksgiven break. I am going to be there from wednesday to sunday morning. So I think I am going to be at the friday that week, but unfortuneately not the sunday service. Ha seog hyung I hope your study is going well, for that matter that goes to everyone in school right now. Hyung, don't worry about the exams. If you gave your best effort then you did the best you can( this is what I tell myself).....Jong kyu hyung how are you holding up against all the 'B'? I hope that you are doing well. I hope that all of you in church is doing well. After seeing the new pictures in the website I realize how much the church must have changed. It all look fun and all. Well, I have to be going, and c you all in about two months.
조회수 :
추천수 :
82 / 0
등록일 :
17:50:20 (*.189.117.231)
엮인글 :
게시글 주소 :
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